Sea Change Wester Ross


For blogs on the Sea please go to Sea Change Wester Ross website where many of Sara’s blogs/letters and articles on marine conservation are.

Sea Change Wester Ross - Wester Ross Marine Protected Area

This has a spectrum of blogs from deadly serious appeals for reform to fun stuff like surveys and films. For example

  • Sea Change Wester Ross’s submissions to Government and Ministers.

  • Blogs on #OurSeas (the 45 campaign groups call for the 3 mile limit )

  • Articles appreciating the stunning beauty of the underwater world like “More Cousteau’s Please”

  • Sea Change’s citizen science surveys and films showing the spectacular underwater ecosystems .

    There’s a lot there. For information on what Sea Change Wester Ross does go to the round turquoise button on the site which takes you to the main menu. Have a paddle through it and enjoy.

  • The Blue Hope Alliance which is our north west citizen science survey alliance seemed to form organically in response to threats to the recovery of the MPA’s ecosystem. Then it expanded into groups working in survey work which were non politically aligned so we have built an alliance to share resources, knowledge and discoveries. See this blog for some of our previous discoveries.

  • The Blue Hope Alliance - Eyes Under Water in the North West - Sea Change Wester Ross

All, The SeaSara Nason